Thursday, October 11, 2012

Trust, Part 2

Turns out, the commitment to therapy was for ONE meeting.  I am still willing to do that, but I think it best to wait until after our court date on Monday.

After court, I have an appointment at DCSS to see if it is appropriate for them to modify the child support.  DCSS received a payment on October 4.

I am trusting that Rick will continue to pay child support.  Last time (in May) it only lasted a month.  I am REALLY hoping it lasts longer than that.  I received a notice confirming that the cash aid is cancelled.  I will be relying solely on support from Rick beginning November 1 since I already received the $924 for October.  Ironically, Rick's WEEKLY check (gross income) is close to that amount!

I'm tired of fighting.  I won't stop, I'm just tired.  I really want things to be different.  I want my children to have a peace that I didn't have as a child.  I will keep fighting.  I'm just tired.

I can do this.


  1. In Temple interviews with the Bishop where there is a divorce and children involved, the non-custodial parent is always asked if he/she is current on child support payments. If he is not, they will not issue the Temple recommend. Maybe a recommend is his goal. If he eventually does get the recommend, be careful. He may stop after that.

    If his wages are being garnished, is that not a good sign since garnishment is involuntary (at least in most states it is)?

    1. Turns out that Ricks weekly check has been more like double that amount - for the past six months. We go back to court Dec 17 for a modification.

  2. I'm not sure if a recommend is even his goal any time soon. He would have to be fully up to date. And it is tough to take care of a $26,000 debt...
