Monday, September 24, 2012


This morning, right around 3am, I got a visit from Janey (or Janette, as she so beautifully enunciates, now that she is attending preschool - they call her by her full name.)  She came into my room to tell me that there was a dinosaur in her room.  I asked her about it.  She told me it was black, and she saw it on Breanna's ladder up to her bed.  I half paid attention as she continued to, matter-of-factly describe the dinosaur in the girls room.  She asked me if it was my pet.
 "Sure, Jane, it's my pet dinosaur.  It's very nice.  It won't hurt you."
  "But it will roar."  
"Yes, it will roar in my face.  And it will meow because it is a kitty."  

Our conversation went on and on.  Parker woke up as well, so I was patiently, gently, delicately trying to get the babies to just GO TO SLEEP.  I was not successful for over an hour.

This morning, somehow, we all were laying in my bed goofing off (except Jason, of course, who is suddenly too cool.)  I recounted the dinosaur story to Hattie, and she devuded to ask Jane.

"Janey, did you see a dinosaur?"
"Where was it?"
"It was in your room!  But it was really a hanger, in the morningtime."

Now, this story probably doesn't translate well to print, but it was immensely ammusing at the time.  I couldn't stop laughing.  My smart little Janey is so much fun!

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