Tuesday, December 30, 2014

exMo announcement

I am not Mormon any more.

Now, I know that every active member who reads this will smugly think that I have lost the Spirit, lost my testimony, and have been led astray by the Adversary.  I get it.  I thought those things too.  I made those judgments alongside my fellow Mormons for many years.

I should clarify that I have not resigned (written a formal letter requesting that my name be removed from Church records.)  Technically, according to "THEM" I am still a member.  Maybe inactive, but I'm still a member.  Despite the fact that I do not have any plans to write that letter, I no longer believe the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to be true.  As a matter of fact, I do not believe any church to be true.  I no longer believe in God.

I am not angry at God.  If there were a God, I am clearly quite "blessed" by that deity.  I have family, friends, love, etc.  I have survived tough trials.  I recognize the wonderful positives in my life.  I just do not believe there is any one "up there" controlling it all.

My reasons are my own, based on my study, my personal research, my open mind.  If you care to know more, then you are free to contact me directly.  I don't find it necessary to defend my decision.  I just want to be very clear about where I stand today.

If you read my blog up to this point you will know how faithful I was.  You know that I truly believed in all of it (hook, line, sinker!)  Faith was comforting.  OH SO COMFORTING.  It is actually very difficult to be a person of faith and then become an atheist.  What do you fall back on?  How do you prioritize?  What, then, becomes the meaning of life?  Yet, here I am.  I just don't believe anymore, but I still value life, love, service.

I am still (always) a mother to six amazing kids.  Still a strong, confident, beautiful, intelligent, passionate woman.  Just not a "woman of faith."  Not anymore.

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