Sunday, April 15, 2012


I am so happy we are at home in our new ward.  The Sisters and the Brothers are all very friendly and welcoming.  Many of them have made it a point to know my name, introduce themselves (frequently) and say hello.  Several have offered items or help.  Doesn't seem to matter where our family sits during Sacrament, the neighbors are supportive, helpful, offering a toy or a snack and grabbing a child who needs attention or soothing.  It is comforting to know I will be able to accomplish it each and every week AND I'm not alone - I am already a member of a Ward Family.  As I gathered the monkeys to go home after the block, one of the Primary leaders introduced herself and mentioned how much the adore my children (already - it's only our second Sunday.)  They are such great kids.  I am so proud and so grateful.

After church my parents came over to work on some household things (the yard.)  Having two extra adults around helped with the child supervision, so my mom (and Breanna) and I were able to clean the stove.  It's the little things.  Plus Mom was happy with the new configuration of furniture in the living room.  Whew.  I can breathe for another day.

I survived this morning - preparing for church, and I survived church, and now I've just got 2 hours til bedtime.

Although today started out rough, I knew church would settle me.  I feel calm comfort, once again, and I know I can do this.

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