Thursday, April 19, 2012

Slow Down.

I have never been very patient.  I mean, as a mother, I have learned patience.  You cannot have six children and NOT be patient, at least to some extent, without actually causing physical harm to one or more of them.  So, in the interest of my children's safety, I have learned to be patient with their antics.  But I have never been patient with life.

I was one of those students that always wanted to be finished first.  Sometimes the quality of my work would suffer because I was in such a race, but I was always more concerned with being the fastest.  Plus, I wanted to move on to "what's next."  Not really a great way to live life.

I am mostly impatient with relationships and with my emotions.  But I've also learned that the more I actually accept my emotions, the quicker I am able to get over them!  There is nothing that DRAGS out depression like DENIAL!  And I am speaking from experience!!!

Soul searching the past couple of days has really been beneficial, and I've started to see the path I need to be taking.  Slowly.  I need to relax and drink in my life.  Drink in my children.  Accomplish what I can and let the rest go!

Just as is our relationship with God must be built "line upon line" so must our relationships with our fellow man, with those we love, our children, our eternal companions.  I'm grateful for this knowledge and a newfound ability to take my time.  Still immensely grateful for the support I am receiving - emotional, physical, financial - to help me through this harrowing time.

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